Video Services

While our building was closed for COVID-19 our church continues online.

Here is a selection from those services available on request.

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14.02.21 The Sunday before Lent Today we look at the transfiguration of Jesus as his divine glory is revealed
The Feast of Christ the King A service of Holy Communion with a meditation for the Feast of Christ the King
21.02.21 Morning Worship Lent 1 For the first Sunday of Lent, we reflect on Jesus' temptations in the desert and his conversation with the Devil
28.02.21 Morning Worship Lent 2 Today's service has been created by the team from Priors Marston, as we continue to look at the theme of temptation
07.03.21 Morning Worship Lent 3 Today's service is put together by the Stockton team, looking at the story of Jesus clearing the temple
14.03.21 Mothering Sunday Our Mothering Sunday service is led by the children of our church family
21.03.21 Morning Worship Lent 5 Today we reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made in order for us to have new life
28.03.21 Worship for Palm Sunday Today we celebrate Jesus riding into Jerusalem and being proclaimed as King!
01.04.21 Maundy Thursday service A service of Tenebrae - bible reflections on the events of Jesus' last days on earth, waiting with him in the growing shadows in the Garden of Gethsemane
04.04.21 Easter Day Here is our service of Holy Communion for Easter Day