Group Calendar
Events and Services in the Bridges Group are shown in our calendar (below).
The calendar is hosted by Google, and you can included this in your own calender - press the Google+ button.
If the calendar does not show below please go to Google Calendar.
Key to Parishes
LSh - Lower Shuckburgh, N - Napton, PH - Priors Hardwick, PM - Priors Marston, ST- Stockton, W - Wormleighton
Key to the different types of services
HC CW - Holy Communion that follows the order and liturgy of the Church of England Common Worship
HC BCP - follows the 1662 Book of Common Prayer Communion service
Morning Worship at Priors Marston - is a more informal service without Holy Communion using updated liturgy with well known hymns
Morning Worship at Wormleighton - respects both the tradition of the village church and the desire to be welcoming and inclusive to families
Informal Worship at Napton and Stockton - a regular monthly lay-led service that is interactive and more contemporary
Messy Church - just what it says! A meal, crafts and activities, songs and stories for families with primary school age children